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prison sentence
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Prison Sentence for Journalist for Criticism of Headscarf Ban
Star newspaper Publications Director Karaalioğlu received a suspended prison sentence because of criticizing the dismissal of a law by the Constitutional Court that would have lifted the headscarf ban at universities.
6 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Criminal" Politician Alınak Sentenced to 1 Year in Jail
An Erzurum court handed a one-year prison sentence to Alınak, former member of the Democratic Society Party, for saying that "civil disobedience should define current history" on ROJ TV.
2 July 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Case against Kurdish Politician Leyla Zana Retried
Kurdish politician Leyla Zana is at court again after the Court of Appeals had overruled a two-year prison sentence decreed by a local court. Zana is tried for calling Celal Talabani, Mesut Barzani and Abdullah Öcalan the "three leaders of the Kurdish people".
17 June 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
'Peace Mother' Sentenced to 6 Years in Jail
Peace Mother Sultan Acıbuca was sentenced for her speeches for peace as if she was a member of the militant PKK. Acıbuca's "offences": condemning the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, attending events like the World Women Day etc.
10 June 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Six-Month Sentence for Speaking Kurdish in Election Campaign
Three members of the dissolved pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party received prison sentences of six months each by the Midyat Magistrate Criminal Court in south-eastern Turkey. The three defendants were found guilty of making election propaganda in Kurdish.
9 June 2010
Erol Önderoğlu,Mehmet Halis Iş
Journalist Aktan Sentenced, Express Magazine Fined
An Istanbul court handed down a prison sentence of one year and three months to journalist Irfan Aktan for an article published in the Express periodical. Editorial manager Erol received a monetary fine of TL 16,000.
7 June 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Mother of Killed Civilian Receives Prison Sentence
Berrin Trusun, mother of Baran Tursun who was killed by the police, received a prison sentence of more than 5 months because of her reaction against the court decision to release the responsible police officer in the first hearing pending trial. The pronouncement of the judgement was postponed.
19 May 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Detained Publisher Adanır Faces 50 Years' Prison Sentence
Aram Publishing owner Bedri Adanır is tried for 38 books confiscated in a search and because of articles in 4 issues of the Kurdish Hawar newspaper. Adanır, editorial manager of the Hawar daily, has been in detention for more than 4 months now and faces 50 years imprisonment.
17 May 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Journalist Saymaz Faces 54 Years Imprisonment
Six trials were opened against Radikal newspaper journalist Saymaz due to his coverage of the interrogation of defendants Cihnaner, Chief Public Prosecutor of Erzincan, and Şahin form the Special Operations Unit. Both defendants are tried related to the Ergenekon investigation.
14 May 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
166.5 Years' Sentence for Kurdish Journalist Vedat Kurşun
Detained journalist Kurşun, former editorial manger of the Kurdish Azadiya Welat newspaper, was sentenced to 166 years and 6 months imprisonment under charges of "Membership of the PKK" and spreading PKK propaganda".
14 May 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
"Express" Journalists Face Imprisonment for 'pro-Kurdish' Article
Journalists Aktan and Erol face imprisonment under charges of "spreading PKK propaganda" by reason of the article "Weather Conditions in the Region and in Qandil" published in the Express magazine. The journalists refer to the "public's right to be informed".
7 May 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
1 Year and 10 Months in Jail for Mayor Selim Sadak
A Diyarbakır court handed down a one year's prison sentence to Siirt Mayor Sadak under charges of "spreading PKK propaganda" on the grounds of using the term "Kurdistan" in a statement. Sadak was recently sentenced to another ten months in jail for a photo in a calendar.
28 April 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Another 3 Years in Jail for Leyla Zana
Former MP of the closed Democracy Party Leyla Zana was sentenced to three years' imprisonment under charges of "propaganda for a terror organization" on the grounds of calling PKK leader Öcalan the "Leader of the Kurdish People". Lawyer Gümüş stated to file an appeal.
9 April 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
More than 6 Years Imprisonment for 15-Year-Old
In a single hearing, a 15-year-old child was sentenced to imprionment of more than six years. The conviction was based on police statements and a photo showing a child from behind. Lawyer Turgay Berk appealed to the decision.
5 April 2010
Semra Pelek
Conscientious Objector in Jail, his Supporters on Trial
Enver Aydemir, conscientious objector for religious reasons, has been treated as a "deserter" for about three years now. His lawyers stated a lack of authority of the military court. The court declined their request and sentenced Aydemir to ten months imprisonment.
5 April 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Kurdish Journalist Vedat Kurşun Sentenced to 3 Years
Former editorial manager of the Kurdish Azadiya Welat newspaper Vedat Kurşun was sentenced to three years imprisonment by a Diyarbakır court because of publishing obituaries of killed PKK members and statements of imprisoned PKK leader Öcalan.
1 April 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Rojda: Imprisonment for Performing Kurdish Song
Kurdish artist Rojda received a one year and eight month prison sentence under charges of "propaganda for an illegal organization". The verdict is based on the song "Heval Kamurano" Rojda performed on a festival in Diyarbakır last year.
29 March 2010
Bawer Çakır
Artist Dickinson Sentenced for "Insult of the Prime Minister"
"Turkey would be nicer without the threat of imprisonment". This was said by British collage artist Dickinson, who depicted President Erdoğan as the dog of former US President Bush. Dickinson was sentenced to 425 days imprisonment; his sentence was converted into a monetary fine and lifted at last.
12 March 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
Heavy Sentences for Three Journalists in South-East Turkey
Journalist Boğatekin received a 5 years, one month and seven days prison sentence for claiming prosecutor Ovacıklı's being close to religious leader Fethullah Gülen. He was furthermore deprived of his civil rights. Journalist Badur was handed down a TL 3,000 monetary fine.
8 March 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
21 Years Prison Sentence for Kurdish Editor Özen
A Diyarbakır Court sentenced Kurdish Azadiya Welat newspaper owner Ozan Kılınç to 15months imprisonment each for twelve issues of the paper. Additionally, he received a six years three months sentences charged with "committing a crime on behalf of an illegal organization". An arrest warrant was issued for Kılınç.
17 February 2010
Erol Önderoğlu
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Criticism on Police Officer Goes to ECHR
Journalist Şevket Demir from Birecik'in Sesi was sentenced to 3 months imprisonment and 8,000 TL to be paid in compensation for criticizing a police officer in a newspaper column. Even though the sentence is postponed, lawyer Arıcı takes the case to the ECHR.
7 December 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
No Justice for Jounalist Boğatekin
After having rejected journalist Boğatekin's notice of apology, the Kahta Criminal Court of First Instance handed down a 2 years 2 months and 7 days prison sentence to Boğatekin in his absence. The journalist was in Istanbul for medical treatment and was confronted with the decision when he returned to Kahta.
19 November 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
Prison Sentence for "Azadiya Welat" Distributor Altay
Azadiya Welat distributor Altay was found guilty of "making propaganda for an organization". The court decided on the grounds of a picture in one of the issues showing PKK leader Öcalan holding up the daily with both of his hands. Defendant Ete was also convicted because he had unfolded pieces of cloth with the organization's emblem at the opening ceremony of an office.
26 October 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
One Year Imprisonment for Saying "Kurdistan"
Lawyer Eren Keskin, actor Murat Batğı and writer Edip Polat were handed a 1 year prison sentence for using the terms "Kurdistan" and "Kurds". Furthermore, they were deprived of all civil rights.
5 October 2009
Erol Önderoğlu
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