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Yurdatapan Convicted for Publishing HPG Apology
The reasoned decision in the trial of Özgür Gündem Editor-in-Chief on Watch Şanar Yurdatapan has been announced. Şanar was sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in prison (deferred) and fined 1.590 euro.
23 February 2017
8 Journalists Appear Before Judge
The next hearing of the Özgür Gündem Editors-in-Chief on Watch Mavioğlu, Eren, Başlangıç, Ağın, Çaralan, Can, Işık and Akgül is on July 4.
21 February 2017
No Plea, No Attorney, No Defendant but Penalty in 22nd Heavy Penal Court
In Özgür Gündem trials, Canpolat, Baysoy and Küçükkeleş have been penalized by İstanbul 22nd Heavy Penal Court while their attorneys were absent and the court didn’t hear their defenses.
14 February 2017
Elif Akgül
What Happened in Özgür Gündem Trials on February 14?
Trials of 21 journalists at 13th and 22nd Heavy Penal Courts continued on February 14, 2017. Three journalists were penalized. In other trials, the prosecutor submitted similar opinion as to the accusations.
14 February 2017
Haluk Kalafat,Elif Akgül
First Penalty Against Özgür Gündem’s Editors-in-Chief on Watch
Of Özgür Gündem newspaper’s Editors-in-Chief on Watch, Yurdatapan and Bodur have been sentenced to fine of 1,500 euros and to 1 year and 3 months in prison.
13 January 2017
Necmiye Alpay, Aslı Erdoğan, Zana Kaya Released
Tried in Özgür Gündem case, Aslı Erdoğan, Necmiye Alpay and Zana Kaya have been released. Erdoğan was under arrest since August 19, Alpay since August 31 and Kaya since August 22.
29 December 2016
Alpay, Erdoğan Released of One of Charges, Further Arrested on the Other
Özgür Gündem daily’s Publishing Consultant Board members Alpay and Erdoğan have been released of one of the charges, yet will futher be under arrest on the rest of the charges.
23 November 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Özgür Gündem Columnist Şaban İba Taken into Custody
Columnist of the closed Özgür Gündem daily, Şaban Iba has been taken into custody in his apartment in Edremit District of Balıkesir in a house raid carried out by gendarmerie.
17 November 2016
Tally of Legal Actions Against Özgür Gündem Editors on Watch
Of the Özgür Gündem Editor on Watch campaign participants, 50 have been subjected to investigations, against 36 others charges have been pressed, verdict of non-prosecution has been announced for 11 participants and one case has been dropped.
15 November 2016
Elif Akgül
Life Imprisonment Demanded for Özgür Gündem Writers, Executives
Aggravated life and from 6.5 to 17.5 years imprisonment have been demanded for Özgür Gündem’s nine writers and executives, four of whom arrested.
11 November 2016
Korur Fincancı, Önderoğlu Appear Before Judge
First hearing of the trial in which Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Erol Önderoğlu and Ahmet Nesin have been tried within the scope of the Özgür Gündem’s editor-in-chief on watch campaign was held yesterday.
9 November 2016
‘Solidarity with Özgür Gündem is Objection to Current Situation’
I don't accept restrictions on people's right to information and limitations for citizens and journalists on making reports.
7 November 2016
Journalist Nadire Mater Stands Trial
In her testimony before İstanbul 22nd Criminal Court, journalist Nadire Mater who had participated in the “Editor-in-Chief on Watch” campaign launched in support of the Özgür Gündem daily said “Solidarity with Özgür Gündem is also an objection to the current situation”. The next hearing will be on December 9, at 2.15 p.m.
7 November 2016
Çiçek Tahaoğlu
Lawsuit Filed Against Editors-in-Chief on Watch Mater, Eryılmaz
Journalists Nadire Mater and Tuğrul Eryılmaz, who served as editor-in-chief at Özgür Gündem daily are being charged with “Publishing or distributing publications of a terror organization” and “propagandizing for a terror organization”.
3 October 2016
Özgür Gündem Editor-in-Chief on Watch Mavioğlu Appears Before Judge
Joining Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign of closed Özgür Gündem, journalist Mavioğlu has appeared before judge.
30 September 2016
Elif Akgül
Of Editors-in-Chief on Watch Uyurkulak Testify
Joining shut down Özgür Gündem daily’s Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign, journalist and writer Murat Uyurkulak has testified.
29 September 2016
Elif Akgül
Journalists Cemal, Güç, Mater, Eryılmaz Testify
Journalist and bianet Project Consultant Nadire Mater, journalists Tuğrul Eryılmaz, Hasan Cemal and Mehmet Güç are testifying today at İstanbul Courthouse for joining the “Editor-in-Chief on Watch” campaign launched in support of the Özgür Gündem daily.
23 September 2016
Nilay Vardar
Aslı Erdoğan Receives Tucholsky Prize
Novelist and columnist Aslı Erdoğan, who has been under arrest since August 19, has received the literary award the Tucholsky Prize.
21 September 2016
Women Prisoners Create Handmade Newspaper “Özgür Gündem Zindan”
Women in Mardin E-type Prison including JİNHA Editor Zehra Doğan have prepared an 8-page “Özgür Gündem Zindan” newspaper consisting of their own writings and drawings.
20 September 2016
4 More From Özgür Gündem Solidarity Campaign Called to Testify
Three journalists, an artist, and an Alevi sage who joined the the “Editors-in-Chief on Watch” campaign launched on May 3 have been called to testify.
7 September 2016
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Arrest Demanded For Özgür Gündem Board Member Necmiye Alpay
After her testimony, Necmiye Alpay, Özgür Gündem daily’s Publishing Consultant Board member, linguist and writer, has been referred to court by Prosecutor Umut Tepe for arrest.
31 August 2016
Campaign to Act in Solidarity With Aslı Erdoğan
In the campaign launched on social media to act in solidarity with arrested novelist Aslı Erdoğan, many well-known figures are expressing their support with their photos carrying banners reading “None of us are outside if Aslı Erdoğan is inside”.
26 August 2016
Aslı Erdoğan: I Haven’t been Given My Medication, Wasn’t Let Out To Fresh Air
Arrested Özgür Gündem daily Publishing Consultant Board member, novelist and columnist Aslı Erdoğan has noted that she had not been given her medication in the prison and was being held in a solitary confinement cell. Her attorneys have objected to her arrest.
25 August 2016
Freedom Watch Begins for Aslı Erdoğan
Freedom watch has begun for novelist, Özgür Gündem daily Publishing Consultant Board member and columnist Aslı Erdoğan in front of the prison where she is being kept.
23 August 2016
TGC 2016 Freedom of Press Awards Granted to their Winners
The TGC Freedom of Press Awards were granted to IMC TV cameraperson Refik Tekin, Prof. Dr. Yaman Akdeniz and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerem Altıparmak in the individuals category, and to the Coalition of International Freedom of Press Organisations in the foundations category.
19 August 2016
Support from Writers for Detained Aslı Erdoğan
Writers have voiced their support for the detained novelist and Özgür Gündem writer and Publishing Consultancy member Aslı Erdoğan with a text carrying 149 signatures.
19 August 2016
Helin Yıldırım
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Paylan: What is the Legal Base of Shutting Down Özgür Gündem?
HDP’s Paylan in his parliamentary motion has recalled that there is the condition of conviction in the Constitutional clause on which the shutting down decision is rested, yet no such conviction verdict has been issued.
19 August 2016
Novelist Aslı Erdoğan Detained
Özgür Gündem daily Publishing Consultancy Board member and novelist Aslı Erdoğan’s home was raided last night, Erdoğan detained.
17 August 2016
Özgür Gündem Published in Solidarity: “We Will not Give In”
Özgür Gündem daily, which has been shut down by court order, has been released as a special four-page edition of Atılım’s newspaper. The daily carries the headline “We will not give in”.
17 August 2016
Police Raid on Journalists Zarakolu, Keskin, Koçali
Following the police raid on Özgür Gündem daily, police have raided the house of the daily’s reporters Koçali and Keskin as well as Zarakolu.
17 August 2016
Pervin Buldan: Özgür Gündem’s Doors Have Been Sealed
When going to see the offices of Özgür Gündem daily, which had been raided by the police, HDP İstanbul MP Pervin Buldan found she could not enter because the doors had been sealed.
17 August 2016
Beyza Kural,Elif Akgül
Police Raid Özgür Gündem Daily
Police have raided the Özgür Gündem daily, which has been closed on charge of “[illegal] organization propaganda”.
16 August 2016
Haluk Kalafat,Beyza Kural
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