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Özgür Gündem Editor-in-Chief on Watch Mavioğlu Appears Before Judge
Joining Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign of closed Özgür Gündem, journalist Mavioğlu has appeared before judge.
30 September 2016
Of Editors-in-Chief on Watch Uyurkulak Testify
Joining shut down Özgür Gündem daily’s Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign, journalist and writer Murat Uyurkulak has testified.
29 September 2016
3 Aggravated Lifetime Imprisonment, No Arrest in Zirve Publishing House Trial
Verdict has been announced in Zirve Publishing House massacre case. The court has imposed three consecutive aggravated lifetime imprisonment on five defendants, arrested no one and not found any “organization”.
29 September 2016
Eren Keskin, Reyhan Çapan Tried for Özgür Gündem’s March 10 Issue
The Özgür Gündem daily newspaper’s former Editor-in-Chief Eren Keskin and former Managing Editor Reyhan Çapan have appeared before a judge for the daily’s March 10 issue.
20 September 2016
September 6-7 Through Kalumenos’s Lens: Both Your Belongings and Your Life
On the 61st anniversary of the 6-7 September pogrom, Serdar Korucu continues to relate the testimony of Patriarchate Photographer Dimitrios Kalumenos.
6 September 2016
Pervin Buldan: Özgür Gündem’s Doors Have Been Sealed
When going to see the offices of Özgür Gündem daily, which had been raided by the police, HDP İstanbul MP Pervin Buldan found she could not enter because the doors had been sealed.
17 August 2016
Özgür Gündem Newspaper Shut Down
İstanbul 8th Court of Peace has closed the newspaper under charges of “[terrorist] organization propaganda.”
16 August 2016
Employees of Closed Newspapers Cannot Receive Unemployment Pay
Employees of the closed Manşet Kocaeli daily, which has been closed by statutory decree, cannot receive their unemployment pay.
10 August 2016
Another ‘Propaganda’ Charge Against Özgür Gündem’s 6 Articles, 1 Report
Columnist Çelebi, Editor-in-Chief Aykol and Managing Editor Kızılkaya have been sued for six articles and a report published in Özgür Gündem daily’s April 25, 2016 issue.
8 August 2016
Indictment on Önderoğlu, Korur Fincancı to be Seen Friday
Önderoğlu, Korur Fincancı and Nesin getting arrested for acting in solidarity with Özgür Gündem daily wait for the court to see the indictments.
28 June 2016
Editors-in-Chief on Watch to Testify to Police
The prosecutor hasn’t taken testimony of Mater, Eryılmaz, Altay, Türker, and Balıkçı who face charges of “terrorist organization propaganda” for supporting Özgür Gündem daily’s Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign.
27 June 2016
Ercan Demir From Dink Case Released
One of the suspects, Ercan Demir; former staff of Trabzon Intelligence Directorate has been released in Hrant Dink case which had been combined with the lawsuit against the public officials.
24 June 2016
Academic Chris Stephenson Acquitted
Academic Chris Stephenson who was detained and sued on charge of “terrorist organization propaganda” for having Newroz notice in his bag has been acquitted in the first hearing.
23 June 2016
Protest Against Korur Fincancı, Önderoğlu, Nesin Getting Arrested
Those gathered in front of Çağlayan Court to act in solidarity with Önderoğlu, Korur Fincancı and Nesin arrested for having participated in Özgür Gündem daily’s Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign have protested the court decision.
21 June 2016
Arrest Demanded for Özgür Gündem’s Editors in Chief on Watch; Önderoğlu, Nesin, Korur Fincancı
Journalist and writer Ahmet Nesin, TİHV President Korur Fincancı and RSF Turkey Representative and bianet rapporteur Önderoğlu have been referred to the court demanding arrest for participating in the Editorship in Chief on Watch Campaign for Özgür Gündem daily.
20 June 2016
Press Organizations React Against Attack on Journalists in Midyat
The press trade bodies TGF, RSF, and DİSK Press Labor have reacted against the attack carried out on the three journalists in Midyat.
10 June 2016
Former Head of Trabzon Security Department: Didn’t Know Dink to Be Assassinated
Statements have been taken in Dink trial. Adjourning the hearing to June 21, the court has ordered to issue an arrest warrant for former Security General Directorate Intelligence Department Technical Unit Director Yazar on charge of “being a member of an armed terrorist organization”.
27 May 2016
Hrant’s Friends Ahead of Hearing: Watch for Justice Regardless Who is Responsible
Ahead of the hearing in the trial of public officials for murder of Hrant Dink, his friends have said; “Regardless who is behind it and how deep the issue is, we will continue our watch for justice until those who have joint responsibility over Hrant’s murder get the punishment they deserve”.
24 May 2016
Probe into 5 More Özgür Gündem’s On-Watch Editor-in-Chiefs
Probe has been launched into other five on-watch Editor-in-Chiefs supporting the Özgür Gündem daily. Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Faruk Eren, Ayşe Düzkan who have been subjected to the probe, and the daily’s Managing Editor İnan Kızılkaya testified today.
23 May 2016
Prof. Köker: Referendum to Mean Political Division
Prof. Levent Köker has evaluated the result of the voting for Constitutional amendment concerning parliamentary immunity.
18 May 2016
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15 Journalists, Columnists Appear Before Judge Over 53 Articles
15 Atılım weekly workers and columnists are being tried on charge of “terror organization propaganda” due to the 53 reports and articles.
12 May 2016
Court Sentences Can Dündar, Erdem Gül to 10 Years, 10 Months Total
The court has sentenced the journalists Can Dündar to 5 years and 10 months and Erdem Gül to 5 years in prison who are being tried over making report of MİT Trucks.
6 May 2016
RSF Representative: Journalism Being ‘Criminalized’
RSF Turkey Representative Önderoğlu speaking as to journalists being not allowed into Turkey has said, “This attitude involves the message that ‘Love it or leave it’ against the ones who don’t truckle to New Turkey, criticize the President, question the foreign policies”.
26 April 2016
Academic Trying to Get Even Twitter Notifications Censored
92 web contents including two bianet reports have been blocked upon Assist. Prof. Dr. Esra Keskinkılıç’s request. There is the link where Twitter users see notifications among the blocked addresses.
14 April 2016
Peace Journalism Handbook Out
Peace Journalism Handbook written by Prof. Dr. Sevda Alankuş and published by IPS Communication Foundation Publishing has been introduced. Nadire Mater holding the opening speech has noted; “A journalist has to live with the questions ‘Can I really practice peace journalism, why can’t I?’”
29 March 2016
‘Peace Journalism Needed All the Time, not Just in Wartime’
Writer of the Peace Journalism Handbook published by İPS Communication Foundation Publications, Sevda Alankuş saying “Loving peace doesn’t mean to practice peace journalism” has emphasized that a serious critical look is needed against mainstream journalism.
29 March 2016
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Why Peace Journalism Needed Today - Handbook on Peace Journalism
Peace Journalism Handbook will be published on March 25 by IPS Communication Foundation Publishing. We have interviewed Prof. Alankuş on the necessity of peace journalism and the post Ankara attack media in Turkey.
18 March 2016
Diyarbakır Ready to March Towards Sur Against Blockade, Entrance Barred
Diyarbakır province is getting prepared to march towards Sur against blockade, residents from various districts will walk towards Sur upon HDP Co-Chair Demirtaş’s call.
2 March 2016
Journalists at Diyarbakır Bar: We are Here to Remove Disinformation
Journalists in the second group of News Watch have met with Diyarbakır Bar Deputy President, Ahmet Özmen and Bar Administrative Board members.
10 February 2016
‘Kobani’ Attack on Ferhat Tunç’s Facebook Page
The management of Ferhat Tunç’s Fan Page has been taken over from him following the promotion of his album Kobani in three languages featured on the Fan Page.
1 February 2016
Aggravated Life Imprisonment Demanded for Journalists Dündar, Gül
Aggravated life imprisonment and life imprisonment demanded for journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül arrested for making news report of MİT trucks.
27 January 2016
No Decision of Arrest for Police Officer Şahbaz in Sarısülük Case
Following the Court of Appeals’ reversal, Ethem Sarısülük trial restarted.
11 January 2016
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