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Report: At least 40 children died of preventable causes in February
One child lost their lives because of gender-based violence and four of the deceased children were refugees from Syria, according to the FİSA report.
7 March 2022
‘Kurdish children in Turkey die in armored vehicle crashes or explosions of war remnants’
According to the report of the Diyarbakır Bar Association, 67 children lost their lives as a result of armored vehicle crashes and remnants of war in Turkey in the last 10 years. Bar Chair Eren says that the deaths occur in Kurdish-majority provinces.
3 March 2022
Ruken Tuncel
Appeal against 10-month prison sentence given to teacher for battering student
Lawyer Şahin says that though the former math teacher was not given a prison sentence at the lower limit, he should have been penalized at the upper limit given the indignation the incident caused and the way in which the crime was committed.
22 February 2022
Suspect who killed 16-year-old Sıla Şentürk in Giresun arrested
The Chair of Giresun Bar Association has said that the news alleging that her family forced Sıla Şentürk to get engaged do not reflect the truth. The Ministry of Family and Social Services has also released a written statement about the incident.
17 February 2022
5-month prison sentence over refugee child Lütfillah's death with a police fist
In the trial over the death of Lütfillah Tacik (17) from Afghanistan as a result of police officer S.O.’s violence in Van, the court has handed down its ruling 8 years later. Reinstated by the Interior Ministry, the officer is given only 5 months in prison.
17 February 2022
Hikmet Adal
Male violence | Hüseyin Can G. kills 16-year-old Sıla
Suspect Hüseyin Can G. was caught at the Ordu-Giresun Airport and taken to the Giresun Security Directorate. 21-year-old G. has been referred to the courthouse.
17 February 2022
Teacher given a deferred prison sentence for battering student
Put on trial over the incident that happened in a school in Aksaray, the defendant was first given 12 months in prison; this sentence has been reduced to 10 months due to “good conduct” and the pronouncement of the verdict has been deferred.
15 February 2022
‘Political actors in Turkey far from child perception’
The Children’s Rights Center of the Diyarbakır Bar has released a statement about the incident where a 10-year-old child was given the microphone by President Erdoğan and made to insult main opposition CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu at an opening ceremony.
1 February 2022
Erdoğan gives child the mic, makes him insult CHP Chair Kılıçdaroğlu
Main opposition CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has shared a message on his social media account shortly after the incident and said, “Please don’t share the news about our little boy and don’t speak ill of him. He is just a little kid.”
31 January 2022
'Men abused children the most during the pandemic'
The number of child abuse cases increased in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır recently. We spoke to experts about the issue.
25 January 2022
Gülistan Korban
Playing with a hunting rifle, child kills sister in Antep
A 12-year-old child injured her/his 5-year-old sibling while playing with a hunting rifle that s/he found at home. Paramedic teams arrived at the scene of the incident, finding out that the child lost her life there.
12 January 2022
‘1,941 arrested, convicted children in Turkey with their rights, needs disregarded’
The Ankara Medical Chamber has made a statement about the situation of children in Turkey’s prisons and underlined that the conditions that “push” children to crime must be improved first.
7 January 2022
Violations of rights peaked in 2021, shows CHP report on women
According to main opposition CHP Vice Chair Biçer-Karaca’s report, women constituted one of the groups most severely affected by the increasing violations of rights during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis in Turkey in 2021.
6 January 2022
Evrim Kepenek
Carbon monoxide poisoning in Kırıkkale: Two children hospitalized
Amid deep poverty and increasing costs of residential heating in Turkey, two children, Zahide Nur (8) and Aybüke Zümra Tosun (4), have been affected by the carbon monoxide leaking from the heating stove. They have been taken to a hospital.
20 December 2021
Police officers investigated for battering, accusing a child of bicycle theft
Father Ferhat A. has told the reporters that his child could not sleep at night after the incident and that he was traumatized. “I will go to the prosecutor’s office and file a complaint against the police because they battered my son,” he has said.
20 December 2021
Rights group demands 'urgent measures against deep poverty burning refugee children’
The İHD has stated, “The ones living in deep poverty, refugee women and children must be prevented from living in conditions where they do not even have safety of life and their right to life is under threat.”
17 December 2021
'We should see deadly fire in İstanbul as a violation of children's rights'
After four children lost their lives in a fire caused by an electric heater in İstanbul, we have spoken with Selen Yüksel from the Deep Poverty Network. She has underlined that we need to see this incident as a violation of children’s rights.
15 December 2021
Ayşegül Özbek
COVID-19 | How has the pandemic affected children’s psychology?
Assoc. Prof. Karakoç says that introversion, inability to socially connect with people, anxiety, depression and obsession are observed in pre-school and school-age children, anxiety and pessimism are observed in adolescents during the pandemic.
7 December 2021
Killed with 13 bullets at the age of 12, Uğur Kaymaz commemorated
Speaking at the commemoration, HDP Mardin Co-Chair Kuday has underlined that child murders can be prevented only by identifying and penalizing perpetrators.
22 November 2021
'Children's right to live, play in a healthy environment is violated'
A 5-year-old child was run over by an armored vehicle in Urfa. The Children's Rights Center of the Diyarbakır Bar Association has released a statement about the incident while the HDP has brought it to the Parliamentary agenda.
21 October 2021
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Run over by an armored vehicle, 5-year-old child severely wounded
An armored vehicle ran over and severely wounded a 5-year-old child in Urfa in southeast Turkey. The family has said that the child has been referred to a hospital in the city center and is still in a life-threatening condition.
21 October 2021
Defendants’ acquittal shows ‘a legal practice not focused on children, protecting adults’
The Diyarbakır Bar Association Children’s Rights Center has released a statement about the acquittal of all seven defendants who were on retrial over the death of 4-year-old Leyla Aydemir in Ağrı province.
11 October 2021
Death of Leyla Aydemir | All defendants acquitted without new evidence examined
The family’s lawyer has announced that they will take the acquittal of defendants to the upper court: “Putting aside its own interim rulings, the court has overlooked very important evidence in the file just to hand down a ruling today.”
8 October 2021
‘A child cannot be deprived of education because she doesn't wear a uniform’
A 14-year-old high school student said that the school principal did not allow her to get in her school because she was not wearing the school uniform. The father said that they could not afford to buy a uniform.
7 October 2021
Child dies in an irrigation pool while trying to rescue a sheep
The father and elder sister of the child jumped in the water to rescue 12-year-old M.D. and called an ambulance after getting out of the water. The deceased body of the child was found in the water following the search and rescue efforts.
4 October 2021
Baby killed by tear gas cartridge, soldier given a fine 11 years later
An 18-month-old baby was shot to death by a tear gas cartridge while he was sleeping on his mother’s lap at the balcony of their house in Şırnak’s Cizre. The soldier was given 3 years in prison; his prison term has been turned into a judicial fine.
21 September 2021
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‘Boss’s car is more valuable than child’s health’
Speaking to bianet about the trial where a child worker is given a higher sentence than his bosses who battered him, lawyer Akbaş says, “This ruling has hurt public conscience in a similar way to the ruling on children 'who stole baklava' in Antep."
17 September 2021
Ayşegül Özbek
Child poverty in Turkey: Scrap collector, peddler, textile worker
A study conducted by the Deep Poverty Network shows that children work in Turkey because the adults bringing money to the household cannot work due to illness or another reason or their income does not suffice to make ends meet.
13 September 2021
Criminal complaint about rights violations in Diyarbakır juvenile prison
The children suffer physical and psychological violence as well as other rights violations, according to a report by the Diyarbakır Bar Association.
13 September 2021
Hit by a police vehicle, child loses his life
Going to school with his bike, 14-year-old Furkan Murat G. was hit by a police vehicle in Sakarya. The child has lost his life at hospital.
10 September 2021
‘There are doubts in the file concerning the best interest of the child’
Defendants were not present in the trial over an incident where Ş.C.K. (16) was battered by his bosses. FİSA Children’s Rights Center’s involvement in the case was rejected; the new prosecutor gave a new opinion as to the accusations.
10 September 2021
Ayşegül Özbek
Mihraç, Efe, Berfin… 20 children died in armored vehicle crashes in 10 years
Run over by armored vehicles, at least 17 children aged 4-17 lost their lives. Three more children have died in armored vehicle crashes since 2019.
7 September 2021
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