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Feminists from 22 Countries Meet in Istanbul
Feminists from Greece and Poland warned that measures to fight the economic crisis threaten women's rights. "We are not going to go back home and fall back into our traditional roles", they argued. They called their sisters in Europe for solidarity.
1 July 2010
Women Demonstrate against Abuse and Rape
After the recent severe case of rape of Women Movement member K.S., members of the Istanbul Women Platform demonstrated in a sit-down strike against rape and abuse of women. They criticized the government for an increasing number of rapes just when the war is escalating.
29 June 2010
TAK Claims the Responsibility for the Bomb Attack
The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on a civilian bus transporting military personnel in Istanbul on Monday. The attack left five people dead, among them two special sergeants and one teenage girl.
23 June 2010
Dramatic Situation of Secondary Education in Turkey
According to the "Education Monitoring Report" by the Education Reform Initiative, 50 percent of Turkish girls aged 15-19 do not go to school. About 360,000 high school students dropped out of school in 2008/2009. Regional differences and the family background play important roles.
21 June 2010
Chief Prosecutor Cihaner Released
The 11th Chamber of the Court of Appeals decided to merge the cases against Erzincan Public Chief Prosecutor Cihaner at the Erzurum 2nd High Criminal Court and at the Court of Appeals respectively. The prosecutor of the Court of Appeals demanded the release of all detained defendants of both cases. The court accepted the request.
18 June 2010
Supporters of Conscientious Objector Convicted
Ankara Prosecutor Karakuş demanded the acquittal of 19 defendants who were tried for supporting conscientious objector Aydemir. Yet, one defendant received a prison sentence of 1.5 years, three defendants were each sentenced to six months in jail.
18 June 2010
Turkish Parliament Condemns Israeli Attack
In a declaration signed by the Parliamentary Group Chairs, the Turkish Parliament condemns the Israeli attack on aid ships for Gaza. The declaration demands a review of Turkish-Israeli relations, an international investigation, an official apology and compensation payments.
3 June 2010
Activists Arrived in Turkey
466 people who had been detained by Israel after an attack on aid ships heading for Gaza have arrived in Turkey. The bodies of 9 people who were killed in the attack were brought to Istanbul, all of them are of Turkish nationality. 17 injured activists are in Ankara.
3 June 2010
Human Rights Foundation Award for Freedom of Thought
This year's "Human Rights Foundation Ayşe Nur Zarakolu Freedom of Thought Award" went to Kurdish politicians Ahmet Türk and Aysel Tuğluk, journalist Mehdi Tanrıkulu, publisher Bedri Adanır and writer Veysi Sarısözen.
12 May 2010
Peace Mothers Call for a Meeting with The Armed Forces Chief of Staff
The Mothers for Peace initiatated a sit-down strike in Ankara in order to convey the call for peace of Kurdish mothers. The members of the initiative request an appointment by the Armed Forces Chief of Staff offices. The action was supported by labour union confederation chair Evren.
11 May 2010
"Witnesses Must not Remain Silent"
The "Purple Roof" Women's Shelter Foundation pointed out that one out of four children is exposed to sexual abuse: "In order to prevent child abuse we have to accept the fact that it mostly happens within the family; silent witnesses should be mobilized".
3 May 2010
Acknowledge Women's "Invisible Labour" on 1 May!
Filiz Karakuş, Necla Akgökçe, Yıldız Ay and Nilgün Yurdalan call for the acknowledgement of male hegemony on Labour Day.
30 April 2010
1 MAY 2010
22,000 Policemen in Taksim for a 'Peaceful 1 May'
The Governor of Istanbul engaged more than 22,000 policemen for 1 May. Union representatives will be at the check points. Six union confederations will gather at Taksim square after a converging demonstration. The whole area will be closed to traffic.
29 April 2010
Socially Disadvantaged Students Became Victims of Abuse
Primary school students in Siirt were abused and raped by school staff throughout the last two years. The Teachers' Union Eğitim-Sen said that everybody who helped to conceal this crime against humanity bears a joint guilt.
23 April 2010
"Right to Conscientious Objection instead of 'Paid' Exemption"
Sönmez from the Pacifist Group stated that exemption from military service by payment will not be put on Turkey's agenda because the General Staff opposes the idea. Sönmez demanded Turkey's recognition of the right to conscientious objection.
21 April 2010
Eroğlu New President of Northern Cyprus
Derviş Eroğlu is the new president of Northern Cyprus with a majority vote of more than 50 percent. His opponent Ali Talat got 42.8 percent of the votes. In Southern Cyprus, the result was assessed as a "negative development".
19 April 2010
Women Fear for their Lives - Social Service Manager Unimpressed
Three women's organizations in south-eastern Turkey describe the alarming situations of women who have been exposed to severe physical or psychological violence. They point out problems with provincial Social Services regarding different approaches and co-operation.
15 April 2010
Ergenekon Case: 7th Indictment Submitted
The 7th indictment of the Ergenekon case is ready to be presented to the court. It is concerned with the "Action Plan against Reactionary Forces" allegedly prepared by Colonel Çiçek. Main suspects are İSTEK Foundation President Dalan, Colonel Çiçek and Yılmaz from MİT.
15 April 2010
Pro-Kurdish Politician Türk Attacked
Ahmet Türk, former co-chair of closed Democratic Society Party, was attacked after a court hearing in Samsun. Türk was taken to hospital and underwent surgery because his nose was broken.
13 April 2010
Protection from Domestic Violence Bears many Problems
The report on the Hürriyet Campaign against Domestic Violence reveals weak points regarding the current provincial infra structure, the implementation of protective measures and the legal situation. A lack of protection leaves victims in a difficult and often dangerous situation.
8 April 2010
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Political Propaganda in Kurdish and Children's Rights
The Parliamentary Constitutional Commission accepted political propaganda to be made in other languages than Turkish for the Elections Law. The proposal to decrease the election threshold to three percent was rejected. Children shall be prosecuted at juvenile courts only.
29 March 2010
AKP Announced Constitutional Reform Package
Government spokesman Çiçek presented the draft of 23 articles of the constitution to be amended and called the proposal a "compromise". Rights defenders criticized that the draft is lacking important issues regarding the rights of children, women and LGBT people.
23 March 2010
Turkey not Able to Protect Women
Turkey cannot protect women who apply to institutions after they have been exposed to violence because the state does not provide safety of life. Four women became victims of violence within the last five days. Kartaler from the Mor Çatı women's shelter calls for increasing the capacity of social services.
16 March 2010
Draft Bill Does not Prevent Injustice for Children on Trial!
"If the draft bill comes into effect, children will be prosecuted at juvenile courts instead of high criminal courts. Nevertheless, the children will still be treated as offenders of terror crimes. The problems will increase and intensify", said Uçum form the Justice for Children Group.
12 March 2010
Equality Report: Once More a Confession of Failure for Turkey
The women's organization KA.DER issued the third "Report on the Representation of Gender Equality in Turkey". Turkey, "still resisting to gender equality on the 100th anniversary of the World Women's Day on 8 March", gained zero credits in the 2010 report.
9 March 2010
Court Rejected Military Prosecutor's Demand for Çiçek's Detention
The General Staff Presidency announced that evidence has been obtained which proves the "Action Plan against Reactionary Forces" real. In the announcement it is said that "the decision against prosecution taken by the General Staff Military Prosecutor was revoked".
2 March 2010
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"Lift Headscarf Ban!"
The Women's Rights Association AKDER launched a signature campaign to remove the headscarf ban, which was enforced on 28 February 1997. The Association called everybody to stand up against insult of women because of their clothes, usurpation of rights and exposure to rape.
1 March 2010
No Gender Equality in Education Yet
According to a Prime Ministerial report, 19.6 percent of women in Turkey are illiterate, compared to 4 percent of men.
26 February 2010
First Hearing of "Revolutionary Headquarters" Trial
Ten defendants were released pending trial due to lack of evidence for the alleged membership of the "Revolutionary Headquarters" terror organization. Lawyer Kanar requested to exclude illegally obtained evidence. The defendants denied the accusations put up against them.
24 February 2010
Parliamentary Commission on Missing Children
The Turkish Parliament installed an investigating committee for missing children. A protocol providing efficient cooperation of responsible institutions and establishing a national information system will be enforced a soon as possible.
19 February 2010
Five Years Imprisonment for 14-Year-Old
14-year-old C.E. received a five years prison sentence of a court in Diyarbakır on the grounds of membership of an illegal organization. Lawyer Akbaş criticized: "C.E. was not even aware of his possibility to be punished. The photographs do not prove his guilt".
12 February 2010
More than 50 Percent of Women Work off the Record
Women's unemployment was discussed at the "EU Accession Process and Women's Employment" conference held in Diyarbakır. A crucial reason for the high women's unemployment rate in the south-east of Turkey is illiteracy. 66 percent of employed women work off the record.
10 February 2010
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