Ministry of Health responded parliamentary question of Sezgin Tanrıkılu- parliamentarian of CHP- about sale and usage of alcohol and drugs, treatment caused by alcohol and drugs consumption and taxes of them.
According to the official statement of ministry, the cheapest alcoholic drink in Turkey is beer, 1 liter of which costs 8,40 liras, whereas the most expensive one is cognac, 1 liter of which is 170 liras.
The drink with maximum tax rate is liqueur: 60 percent and one with the minimum tax rate is wine: 24 percent.
Tax rates of alcoholic beverages
Beer: 8.40 liras per liter. Tax 4.43 liras (52 percent); Raki: 90 liras per liter. Tax 49.3 liras (55 percent); Wine: 40 liras per liter. Tax 9.63 liras (24 percent); Gin: 80 liras per liter. Tax 45.60 liras (57 percent); Vodka: 80 liras per liter. Tax 45.60 liras (57 percent); Liquor: 70 liras per liter. Tax 42.14 liras (60 percent); Whiskey: 120 liras per liter. Tax 60.25 liras (50 percent); Cognac: 170 liras per liter. Tax 65.84 liras (38 percent); Rum: 110 liras per liter. Tax 56.11 liras (51 percent); Champagne: 75 liras per liter. Tax 35.25 (47 percent).
According to this, 49.1 of alcoholic beverage prices is received by state as tax in Turkey.
How much is the consumption of alcohol?
According to the official data of the ministry, mostly beer was supplied to the domestic market, including production and import of it, between 2004-2012.
Data are given below:
Beer: 813 million 172 thousand 565 liters (2004), 998 million 823 thousand 252 liters (2012);
Wine: 28 million 385 thousand 099 liters (2004), 56 million 410 thousand 914 liters (2012), Raki: 44 million 167 thousand 330 liter (2004), 44 million 611 thousand 011 liters(2012), Vodka: 6 million 042 liters (2004), 15 million 114 thousand 819 (2012), Gin: 1 million 758 thousand 820 liters (2004), 1 million 646 thousand 547 liters (2012), Liquor: 884 thousand 562 liters (2004), 1 miliion 832 thousand 281 liters (2012), Cognac: 838 thousand 095 liters (2004), 319 thousand 354 liters (2012), Rum: 48 thousand 934 liters (2004), 548 thousand 042 liters (2012), Champagne: 510 thousand 705 liters (2004), 826 thousand 771 litre (2012).
Whereas the total quantity of domestic and import alcoholic drinks supplied to the domestic market was 897 million 796 thousand 724 liters in 2004, this quantity increased to 1 billion 127 million 283 thousand 617 liters.
Total quantity of domestic alcoholic drinks was 891 million 660 thousand 084 liters in 2004 and it increased to 1 billion 11 million 022 thousand 994 liters. As to import alcoholic drinks, the quantity of them increased to 16 million 260 thousand 623 liters from 6 million 136 thousand 640 liters.
Turkey vs. Europe in Alcohol Consumption
According to the data of 2013, annual alcoholic beverage consumption per person in Turkey is 1.5 liter (3 cans of beer). The rates alcohol consumption of first ten countries in Europe are listed below:
Belarus: 17.5 liters; Moldova: 16.8 liters; Latvia: 15.4 liters; Romania: 14.4 liters; Ukrain: 13.9 liters; Hungary: 13.3 liters; Chech Republic: 13 liters; Portugal 12.9 liters; Serbia: 12.6 liters; Poland: 12.5 liters.
Turkey is the country with the least alcohol consumption in Europe.
In and outpatients
Number of outpatients, who applied to the hospitals because of using drugs and alcohol, was 11,239 and number of inpatients was 1517 in 2004. However, number of outpatients increased to 218,515 and of inpatients increased to 8783 in 2012.
Cities keeping the most inpatients applied for AMATEM (Treatment Center for Alcohol and Drug Addicts) are İstanbul (339), Adana (263), İzmir (255), Bursa (217), and Ankara (106).
Cities keeping the most inpatients applied for AMATEM are İstanbul (716), Adana (654), Mersin (408), Antep (363), and İzmir (239). (EKN/MUY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.