Presidency Authorized to Issue Press Cards

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The Law on the Organization and Functions of the Prime Ministry Directorate General of Press and Information has been repealed by the Statutory Decree no. 703, wich was published on the Official Gazette yesterday (July 9).
The duties and authorities of the Directorate General of Press and Information, which was affiliated with the Prime Ministry and authorized to issue yellow press cards, have been handed over to the Presidency Directorate of Communication.
Why do journalists and press organizations object?
The Press, Broadcast and Printing Press Workers Union of Turkey (DİSK Basın-İŞ) previously made a statement and demanded that the practice of yellow press cards be abolished. The union emphasized the following points,
"The practice of yellow press card is an instrument of control over the press, just like the Press Advertising Agency, which distributes advertisements in favor of the state. Not accepting an identification card given by an institution operating within the law [union] and imposing the card given by the Prime Ministry Directorate General of Press and Information aim to extend the control in question.
"The practice of giving press cards by the state should be ended. The cards issued by the institutions are enough for journalists to do their jobs. The professional organizations legitimizing the press card should withdraw from the commission (Press Card Commission)". (AS/SD)