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Associations Slam Periodical Ban, Censorship in Prisons
9 media outlets released a joint statement to protest the publication ban imposed on inmates across Turkey’s prisons.
24 November 2014
Reactions After PM’s Visit to Dersim: Disappointment
Advocate Barış Yıldırım from Dersim People’s Assembly Initiative told bianet the following: “If the Turkish state really wants face 1938 Dersim Incident, it must abandon its plans on hydroelectic power plants, mining and dams.”
24 November 2014
Artists Call For Saturday Mothers/People Week 500
37 individuals including artists and authors made a public appeal to meet at down Istanbul on October 25 for the 500 week of Saturday Mothers/People of Turkey meeting.
21 October 2014
Detained in Beyazıt, German Girl to Be Deported
Detained by the police during anti-ISIS protests in Istanbul University, a 15-year old teenager girl from Germany is sent to a shelter prior to deportation.
15 October 2014
Anti-ISIS Students Attacked Again on Campus
Around 25 students have been detained after the clashes between an allegedly pro-ISIS group and those who protest ISIS presence in Kobane. The former group reportedly attacked the latter with batons and machetes on Istanbul University campus.
13 October 2014
Students Protest Pro-ISIS Group Violence on Campus
Istanbul University students protested the violence on campus on September 26 caused by a pro-ISIS group after another group put up posters condemning ISIS violence.
30 September 2014
Institute Releases Videos to Promote Laz Language
Turkey’s Laz Language Institute released a series of videos to promote the elective Laz language courses for the elementary school level. bianet interviewed İsmail Bucaklişi from the institute.
19 September 2014
"We Do Not Know What to Say About the Bus Accidents"
bianet spoke with İstanbul Bus Private Public-Bus and Operators Small-Business Owners Chamber Head Yüksel about the accidents involving buses in the past six days, drivers’ training, the speed of the buses and vehicle maintenance.
1 August 2014
Court Restores Student To “First In Class” Status
Court ruling restored Işıtan Önder’s first-in-class status revoked for commemorating those killed in the Gezi Resistance in his graduation speech.
18 July 2014
Ali Ismail Korkmaz Commemorated in Kadıköy
A commemoration was held in Istanbul's Kadıköy district and a park dedicated to Ali ismail Korkmaz on the anniversary of his death. Slogans and anthems were chanted.
11 July 2014
Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation Established
The family members of Ali İsmail Korkmaz, a Gezi Resistance protestors killed in Eskişehir, established a foundation in the name of their son. “Our depature point was my brother’s activities,” Gürkan Korkmaz told bianet.
7 July 2014
28 Stand Trial For Shouting “Murderer Erdoğan” in Bursa
28 defendants stood trial yesterday for charges related to shouting slogans “thief Erdoğan” and “murderer Erdoğan” during a rally triggered by Berkin Elvan’s death.
24 June 2014
“Sad But Not Surprising”
Progressive Lawyer Association Antalya Branch Chairman Ermiş confirmed the allegations that Ayşe Deniz Karacagil, a Gezi Resistance protestor charged with 98 years of prison, joined PKK.
20 June 2014
No Trial in Dilan Dursun Case Albeit Injury Anniversary
Dilan Dursun, a 21 year old university student who was shot one year ago at Ethem Sarısülük’s funeral with a canister, is sustaining her life struggle. “Slaying of children by the government gets me down,” she told bianet.
17 June 2014
“Pupils Learn About Military From First Syllable”
History Foundation and Sociology and Education Studies Unit reviewed the schoolbooks based on the criteria of human rights, revealing that children are taught about the military in Turkey from the very early days of their compulsory education.
11 June 2014
“641 Sick Prisoners Are Still Jailed”
Struggle Platform Against Isolation released a statement, saying that as of June, there are 641 sick prisoners across Turkey’s prisons with 233 in serious condition.
9 June 2014
Journalist Convicted of Calling “Torturer”
Nihat Behram was convicted in the insult trial for calling Istanbul’s Vice Police Commissioner on Terrorism Sedat Selim Ay, “a torturer and a rapist” in his column in Yurt newspaper.
29 May 2014
10 Hours in Kayseri Courthouse For Ali Ismail Korkmaz Trial
I landed on Kayseri at 08:30 in the morning. All day, I listened to the witnesses about how Ali İsmail Korkmaz was battered. I was not alone, search for justice crosses paths.
12 May 2014
Ali Ismail Korkmaz Hearing Resumes in Kayseri Province
Kayseri 3rd High Criminal Court opened the second hearing of Ali Ismail Korkmaz murder killing case this morning. bianet reporter Beyza Kural is reporting from Kayseri.
12 May 2014
Panel Uncovers Post 1980-Coup Days in Ankara
Moderated by Melek Ulagay Taylan, “Ankara after 1980 Coup D’état” panel focused on the witnessings of Murat Çelikkan, Adnan Bostancıoğlu and Nadire Mater.
15 April 2014
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Police Tank Crashes 12 y.o. in Van Province
A police tank known as scorpion dived into the crowd of demonstrators and crashed a 12 year-old boy. While the child was heavily wounded and had a brain operation, Peace and Democracy Party Deputy Özdal Üçer stated that the boy was shoe shiner and he was passing there in order to go home.
8 April 2014
2 Journalists On Hunger Strike For 8 Socialists
Two journalists have started a two-day hunger strike before the 3rd motion towards the decline of release request for 8 socialist prisoners - under arrest for MLKP case for 7 years.
26 March 2014
Student Faces Social Media Investigation
Özyeğin University authorities launched an investigation against a student in Özyeğin University’s Applied Sciences Academy for “damaging the dignity of an institution staff” on his messages on the social media.
21 March 2014
Istanbulites Take Streets For Berkin Elvan
While the police used tear gas to break up protestors, at least man was reported injured in the head by a canister and a woman suffered from crush foot by a TOMA vehicle.
11 March 2014
Ways to Seek Justice in Kayseri’s “State of Emergency”
bianet interviewed lawyers Ergin Cinmen and Efkan Bolaç on the various bans related to Ali Ismail Korkmaz case. “The ban was de facto rejected,” Bolaç said. Cinmen, in return, said protestors could file a complaint in case of right violation.
3 February 2014
Hrant Dink Commemorated Worldwide
Thousands assembled one more time in front of Agos newspaper in Istanbul to commemorate Hrant Dink, an Armenian journalist who was murdered in 2007. Ceremonies were also held across Turkey and worldwide including Diyarbakır, Izmir, Dersim and New York.
20 January 2014
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Dilan’s Memory Returns As She Hears of Ethem’s Name
bianet interviewed Dilan Dursun, a Gezi protestor who suffered from brain injury due to tears gas bomb canister after Ethem Sarısülük’s funeral ceremony on June 16.
13 December 2013
“If I Go to Army, I Can’t Account to My Brother, Myself”
Mehmet Yıldırım - the brother of Medeni Yıldırım who was shot dead by soldiers - has declared his himself as conscientious objector.
22 November 2013
University Students Count Their “Gender-Mixed” Lifestyle
Various university students spoke up on PM's remark "Male and female students are sharing the same apartment".
4 November 2013
Don Quixote Occupies the Windmill
Yeldeğirmeni (The Windmill) Solidarity, a local group based in Istanbul’s Kadikoy district, occupied a half-constructed apartment building abandoned for 15 years, calling it Don Quixote. bianet interviewed group activists who spoke up on their story.
22 October 2013
"No Return From the Mistakes of Taksim Project”
Issues that people are facing in the traffic or formation of little pools around Taksim area are because of the flaws of construction projects with no way of returning, Murat Ergün, professor of construction at ITU, told bianet.
11 October 2013
“Tear Gas Must Be Banned in Turkey, Worldwide”
“Turkey or worldwide, tear gas must not be produced,” said Chamber of Chemical Engineers 2nd Chairperson Onur Gökulu, responding police authorities’ statements on the planned production of “national tear gas”.
3 October 2013
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