What is Turkish Special Forces Office in Qirquq? How many soldiers are deployed there in Iraq, and relying on which official resolution and for what purpose? Against whom the explosives and deadshot weapons were intended to be used? Why the President of Republic is continuously in touch with the Chief of the General Staff but not with the Prime Minister? Is the Administration by-passed?
After the arrest of 11 non-identified Turkish soldiers by American Forces, Turkish public haunted by these questions is expecting a response from the Administration and the Army.
Turks are further worried that while the answers to these questions are open for the United States, they remain a secret for the public.
According to a report in daily "Hürriyet" a U. S. officers says "We have been following up the Turkish Special Operation Forces for a long time. We know what they do. We have very sensitive information. If they prove to be true, the problems can grow. Turkey digs her pit. It shouldn't be like this.
Another American Officer says: "We didn't apologize, because we believe that we are not guilty."
What had happened? According to a report by daily "Radikal", "Friday night, the American soldiers raided the Turkish Special Forces Office and took three army officers and eight non-commissioned officers to Qirquq. Turkish soldiers are accused of attempting at assassinating the Qirquq Governor.
The report was on all newspapers on Sunday and for the three days that followed the media has focused on the issue of "broken national honor" and expectations of a prospective apology from the US.
While US charges are blamed and regarded as an attack to national honor, the real questions are still awaiting answers.
Questions Awaiting Answers:
* What is the relevancy of the charges of attempted assassination of the Qirquq Governor?
* What is Turkish Special Forces Office? Relying on whose resolution does this unit remain in Suleymaniye and for what purpose? How many troops does it comprise of ? Who is the Commander in charge? To whom they are subject to in Turkey?
* Why is this unit seated in the "Turkoman Front" building?
* What do the sunglassed business men, talking to cameras, do with Special Forces?
* Is it true that there are fifteen kilograms of explosives, deadshot guns and nearly 100 thousand dollars are found in the building? If it is true, is it right for these units to hold that money? Against whom will the explosives and the deadshots be used and for which reason? How all these are related to national defense?
* Why was the first statement against their arrest was made by Aegan Army Commander? Are these forces subject to Aegan Army Commander?
* Why is the President of Republic continuously in touch with the Chief of Staff? If the issue is in the responsibility of the Chief of the General Staff , what does the Administration do?
* Is there a disagreement between the President of the Republic and the Administration?
* Why haven't the soldiers appear before the public, while they do in similar events? Don't our soldiers in Iraq have parents wifes and children?(PT)