The statement issued by the DTP headquarters on Thursday asked for NGOs in the country to approach the issue with sensitivity and encouraged for opinions and views on the cease-fire and current conditions to be relayed to the party.
"A cease-fire is not yet peace but it is an important opportunity in that direction" the statement said. "In order for the problem to be discussed, all weapons need to be silenced".
Stressing that the DTP was in favor of the Kurdish problem to be solved through internal dynamics, the statement added:
"We, those on the side of peace who for a long time have wanted the war to come to an end, are face-to-face with the responsibility of developing this process. In order for not a single one of our people to lose their life, our people should not be at each other's throats but we should know how to take bold and determined steps to construct in brotherhood the future of a honorable, free and equal Turkish-Kurdish unity".
Recognizing that in the 1999-2004 period of cease-fire some reforms and economic developments had taken place, the DTP said there was the threat of an internal conflict in the country and stressed it was vehemently important for the future of the people "to eliminate the environment of conflict and violence and create social peace". (KO/II/YE)