Ali Ismail Korkmaz Case Suspects Stand Trial

* Main photo credit: Çiğdem Mater
Kayseri 3rd High Criminal Court opened the case of Ali Ismail Korkmaz, a Gezi Resistance protestor who died on July 10 due to a battery.
On the other hand, roughly 2,000 people gathered in from the courthouse in /Kayseri for solidarity. Various sources noted that the busses of case supporters were stopped before entering the city. Police allegedly asked passengers to show their IDs and only admitting vehicles after a thorough search. They also took notice around the courthouse.
Photo credit: Öğrenci Kolektifleri
While nobody was admitted to the courtroom except press members, advocates and Korkmaz family, the crowd waited before the courthouse to seek the latest information.
Photo credit: Çiğdem Mater
Several demonstrators including deputies requested to join the hearing, however they were not admitted due to lack of space.
Korkmaz family was represented by a handful of advocates who came from different cities.
The crowd gave a huge applause to Emel Korkmaz, Ali İsmail Korkmaz’s mother, as she was entering the courtroom with his son’s picture in her hands.
Solidarity in front the courthouse
Ömür Çağdaş Ersoy, media spokesperson for Öğrenci Kolektifleri, told bianet that over 2,000 people were waiting in the front of the courthouse and delivering speeches.
“They searched busses in the city entrance. There are police barricades in the courthouse. We have been searched in order to enter the area. No issue broke out.”
8 suspects
There are 8 suspects within the case. While 5 (with 1 policeman) have been already arrested, 3 (policemen) were ordered to stand trial.
The names of suspects are as follows: İ.K., R.K., M.V., E.H. M.S. (arrested) Ş.G., H.E. and Y.A. (pending trial).
Only policeman M.S. is accused of “premeditated homicide”, facing life sentence.
Other suspects have been charged with “collaborative homicide”, facing prison terms from 10 to 15 years.
Hearing halted due to gun presence claims
Kayseri 3rd High Criminal Court halted the hearing after one of the advocates claimed that a spectator carried a gun.
The incident caused a short disturbance, resulting with the eviction of case suspects from the courtroom.
Following the incident, Kayseri Governor Orhan Düzgün sent the following tweet:
“Allegations related to the presence of armed in the courtroom are baseless. One of the case attorneys mistook the sharp object (cell phone) with a gun.” (BK/AS)