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Date published: 19 December 2017 16:52
 ~ Modified On: 19 December 2017 17:00
3 min Read

RSF: Turkey Continues to be the Biggest Jail for Journalists

According to the annual report by the Reporters Without Borders, 65 journalists were killed; 326 were arrested; 54 were taken hostage and two journalists went missing in 2017. Turkey is one of the countries with the highest number of jailed journalists.
RSF: Turkey Continues to be the Biggest Jail for Journalists

Gazeteci. Aralık 2012-Haziran 2018 dönemi bianet İfade Özgürlüğü editörü. Öncesinde IMC TV'de muhabirlik yaptı. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sinema Televizyon Bölümü mezunu. 

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