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Date published: 24 July 2014 17:01
 ~ Modified On: 24 July 2014 17:13
7 min Read


Eryılmaz: When a journalist is afraid to ask the PM questions!

bianet spoke with 2014 TGC Press Freedom Award recipient, Rolling Stones fan, journalist, IPS Communication Foundation Steering Committee Member Eryılmaz about journalism and his 38-year struggle for press freedom.
Eryılmaz: When a journalist is afraid to ask the PM questions!
BIA News Desk
freedom of expression

Gazeteci. Aralık 2012-Haziran 2018 dönemi bianet İfade Özgürlüğü editörü. Öncesinde IMC TV'de muhabirlik yaptı. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Sinema Televizyon Bölümü mezunu. 

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